






"You don't look so good. Want me to make some tea?"

"Yes, please. I feel sluggish."

"Well then, I'll fix you ginger lemon tea. It's good for preventing a cold."


"Want me to do ~"は"Do you want me to do ~?"を省略したもの。"Shall I ~?"より一般的な表現。

sluggish/s'lʌɡɪʃ/…lacking energy

fix/fɪks/…prepare food or drink




If you explain what you've learned to someone else, you can check your understanding and make it easier to remember.


understanding/ʌndərs'tændɪŋ/…the knowledge acquired by understanding




Tomatoes were feared in Europe to be poisonous until the mid 1800s. People who ate tomatoes placed on pewter plates, high in lead, died of lead poisoning because the acid in tomatoes caused the lead to leach from the plates into the tomatoes.


1800s…the period from 1800 to 1899

19th century…the period from 1801 to 1900

pewter/'pyut̮ər/…a metal made by tin with lead

leech/litʃ/…be passed out by percolation:浸出させる



"Tallest Tower Challenge"は、チームビルディングの活動としてよく知られています。 4~5人からなる各グループは、紙とマスキングテープを与えられ、後で頂上に卵を置いても倒れない1番高いタワーの建設を目指します。

The Tallest Tower Challenge is a well-known teambuilding activity. Each group of 4-5 people is given paper and masking tape and aims to build the tallest tower that can support an egg later put on top.


teambuilding…the process of improving the team performance through collaborative tasks





"Let's see how many clothespins we can pinch on our faces."

"Stupid! I really don't wanna try unless you give me a dollar for each."



really/'rili/…used to emphasize what you are saying

I really don't like tomatoes.:トマトなんて嫌い!

I don't really like tomatoes.:トマトはそんなに好きなわけじゃない。




It's hard to get motivated to do anything when I sit in front of the heater.



motivate/'moʊt̮əveɪt/…provide with a motive

motive/'moʊt̮ɪv/…a reason for doing something





"My pen won't write but there's still ink in it. Can you fix it?"

"If shaking or scribbling doesn't work, just get a new pen."




write/raɪt/…(of a pen) work properly

scribble/sk'rɪbl/…write quickly

just/dʒʌst/…nothing more than




I've lost count of how many times I've ever tried to kill myself, but the fear of dying has always discouraged me from doing it.


lose count of…fail to remember how many there are of, because there are so many

discourage/dɪs'kərɪdʒ/…prevent by fear




This is a fresh egg from a free-range hen. It's richer in nutrient than a caged hen egg. Here, I can pick the yolk up!


free-range…kept in natural conditions, rather than being confined to a small enclosure

cage/keɪdʒ/…confine in a cage

here/hɪr/…used to attract one's attention






"Do you mind if I smoke?"

"Actually, I'd prefer you didn't."

"All right, then I'll blow the smoke out the window."


Do you mind if ~?は直訳すると「~だとしたら嫌ですか?」となる。これに対する返答として"Yes, I do."とするのは角が立つので、上記のような柔らかい表現を用いるのが一般的。この仮定法過去は自分の願望を婉曲的に伝える役割がある。

actually…used to make it more polite to contradict




People living in cold areas tend to speak fast without opening their mouths wide open. Under cold environments, it's more comfortable and easier to keep warm because you can reduce air intake through your mouth when speaking.


"it"="a situation of speaking fast without opening the mouth wide open"

intake/'ɪnteɪk/…the amount taken in the body:摂取量

when speaking=when you are speaking





"If you win the lottery, are you quitting your job?"

"It depends on how much I win. If I hit the jackpot, of course I am.


quit/kwɪt/…stop having:~を辞める

"it"="whether I'm quitting my job or not"

depend on…be decided by:~による

hit the jackpot…win the top gambling prize formed by the accumulation of unwon bets:ジャックポットを手に入れる




During the space race, America spent 10 years and billions of dollars developing a pen that could write in space, while Russia used a pencil.


space race…a mid-to-late 20th century competition between the Soviet Union and the United States in the field of space exploration:宇宙開発競争





"Wanna arm wrestle?"

"Gimme a break. I can't even beat you with both arms."


"Wanna arm wrestle?"="Do you want to arm wrestle?"

do you want to…used to ask if someone will do something:~するのはどう?

give a break…used to ask someone to stop doing something annoying:勘弁してくれ




If you spend some time living in a Third World country, you'll really appreciate being healthy and alive. Happiness is all around you.


Third World…the underdeveloped and developing nations of the world collectively:発展途上諸国

appreciate/ə'priʃiˌeɪt/…recognize with gratitude:~のありがたみを感じる

all around…on every side of:~のそばにたくさんある




What makes me sad is that no matter how much I love you, the day will surely come when we have to say goodbye forever.


no matter…not stopped by:~にかかわらず(直後に疑問詞を伴う)


say goodbye…separate from each other:離れ離れになる




The tap water in my apartment tastes like a swimming pool. I need a water purifier.


tap water…water drawn from a tap:水道水

purifier…something that purifies




As a kid I would wonder why an ambulance siren sounds higher-pitched as it approaches me, but lower-pitched as it goes away.


high-pitched…(of sounds) high in pitch:音高が高い⇔low-pitched

"goes away"の後の"from me"は省略されている。





"As is often the case, when someone seems sincere and personable, they are actually the exact opposite."

"You said it! Judging people by their looks is a dangerous thing, huh?"


"as is often the case"の"as"は関係代名詞で、主節全体を先行詞(ここでは後置されているが)とする。

as…a fact that:~という事実

the case…what actually happens:実際に起こること

sincere/sɪn'sɪr/…showing true feelings:誠実な

personable/'pərsənəbl/…pleasantly sociable:人当たりがいい

You said it…an expression of agreement with what someone has said:その通り

huh…used to create a tag question:付加疑問文を作る間投詞




My vision is less than 20/200 for both eyes. I can't make out road signs without my glasses.


アメリカでは視力を20/xと表す。20/xというのは視力1.0の者がxフィート離れて読める文字を20フィート離れて読める文字という意味。つまり20/10(twenty-ten)は視力2.0、20/200(twenty-two hundred)は0.1ということになる。

make out…recognize as being distinct:~を識別する




Fermat's Last Theorem looks very simple at first glance but had remained unproved for more than three and a half centuries, derailing the lives of many mathematicians.


theorem/'θɪrəm/…a mathematical statement proved or to be proved to be true:定理

glance/ɡlæns/…the act of glancing

→glance…look quickly:さっと見る

derail/dɪ'reɪl/…cause to turn aside from an intended course:~を狂わせる




Hearing a recording of my voice makes me wanna kill myself.


recording/rɪ'kɔrdɪŋ/…a recorded sound:録音された音




Usain Bolt is to sprinting as Michel Jordan is to basketball. They're real living legends!


A is to B as C is to D…the correlation between A and B is like that of between C and D:AとBの相関関係は、CとDのそれのようなものだ。

→"between"の前の"of"は"which is"を意味する。




You might want to make a list of the good things about youself or your life. Many are wired to dwell on the negative side of things and forget the positive side.


wired/'waɪərd/…having been adapted to act or response in a particular way:~することに慣れている

dwell on…think or talk about for a long time:~を長々と引きずる




"Hey, can you turn the TV down a little? I'm gonna sleep."

"What?! I couldn't hear you over the TV."


turn down…reduce the volume of:~の音量を下げる

hear you=hear what you are saying