




It's hard to get motivated to do anything when I sit in front of the heater.



motivate/'moʊt̮əveɪt/…provide with a motive

motive/'moʊt̮ɪv/…a reason for doing something





"My pen won't write but there's still ink in it. Can you fix it?"

"If shaking or scribbling doesn't work, just get a new pen."




write/raɪt/…(of a pen) work properly

scribble/sk'rɪbl/…write quickly

just/dʒʌst/…nothing more than




I've lost count of how many times I've ever tried to kill myself, but the fear of dying has always discouraged me from doing it.


lose count of…fail to remember how many there are of, because there are so many

discourage/dɪs'kərɪdʒ/…prevent by fear




This is a fresh egg from a free-range hen. It's richer in nutrient than a caged hen egg. Here, I can pick the yolk up!


free-range…kept in natural conditions, rather than being confined to a small enclosure

cage/keɪdʒ/…confine in a cage

here/hɪr/…used to attract one's attention






"Do you mind if I smoke?"

"Actually, I'd prefer you didn't."

"All right, then I'll blow the smoke out the window."


Do you mind if ~?は直訳すると「~だとしたら嫌ですか?」となる。これに対する返答として"Yes, I do."とするのは角が立つので、上記のような柔らかい表現を用いるのが一般的。この仮定法過去は自分の願望を婉曲的に伝える役割がある。

actually…used to make it more polite to contradict