




What makes me sad is that no matter how much I love you, the day will surely come when we have to say goodbye forever.


no matter…not stopped by:~にかかわらず(直後に疑問詞を伴う)


say goodbye…separate from each other:離れ離れになる




The tap water in my apartment tastes like a swimming pool. I need a water purifier.


tap water…water drawn from a tap:水道水

purifier…something that purifies




As a kid I would wonder why an ambulance siren sounds higher-pitched as it approaches me, but lower-pitched as it goes away.


high-pitched…(of sounds) high in pitch:音高が高い⇔low-pitched

"goes away"の後の"from me"は省略されている。





"As is often the case, when someone seems sincere and personable, they are actually the exact opposite."

"You said it! Judging people by their looks is a dangerous thing, huh?"


"as is often the case"の"as"は関係代名詞で、主節全体を先行詞(ここでは後置されているが)とする。

as…a fact that:~という事実

the case…what actually happens:実際に起こること

sincere/sɪn'sɪr/…showing true feelings:誠実な

personable/'pərsənəbl/…pleasantly sociable:人当たりがいい

You said it…an expression of agreement with what someone has said:その通り

huh…used to create a tag question:付加疑問文を作る間投詞




My vision is less than 20/200 for both eyes. I can't make out road signs without my glasses.


アメリカでは視力を20/xと表す。20/xというのは視力1.0の者がxフィート離れて読める文字を20フィート離れて読める文字という意味。つまり20/10(twenty-ten)は視力2.0、20/200(twenty-two hundred)は0.1ということになる。

make out…recognize as being distinct:~を識別する