




It's true not everything learned in school is gonna be helpful, but that's not a good reason to neglect your schoolwork.


good reason…a reason based on good judgment:もっともな理由
neglect/nɪ'ɡlɛkt/…pay little or no attention to:~をおろそかにする




Damn! I've left a tissue in a pocket and done the laundry. Tiny bits of tissue are stuck all over the clothes.


damn…an expression of annoyance…ちくしょう
do the laundry…wash the dirty cloths, towels, linens, etc.:洗濯する
do the laundryはwash the laundryよりもよく使われる。do the dishesについても同様のことがいえる。
all over…in every part of:~じゅうに




Everybody has, at least once or twice in their life, probably thought about killing somebody else, but the great power of conscience never (with very few exceptions) allowed them to carry it out. Isn't that great?


conscience/'kɑnʃəns/…a sense of right and wrong that affect one's own behavior:良心
carry out…put into action:~を実行に移す




Dogs' sense of smell is said to be 100,000 times more acute than humans', so they can even smell subtle changes in human emotion.


acute/ə'kyut/…(of the senses) highly developed:(感覚が)とても発達している
subtle/'sʌt̮l/…difficult to perceive




If everybody could work for pleasure, rather than for money, I wonder how nice the world could be. Why is there no guaranteed basic income? There would be no more vested interests standing in the way!


guaranteed basic income…a periodic cash payment delivered unconditionally by a government to each citizen:ベーシックインカム
vested interest…a strong concern in maintaining an existing political or economic privilege, resulting in personal gain:既得権益
standing in the wayはinterestsを修飾する分詞
in the way…stopping or delaying the process:じゃまをしている




Themed cafés are becoming popular in Japan. The concepts are so diverse, they range from cartoon characters and pop stars to ninjas. Turn a blind eye to the high prices. You pay not only for food and drink, but for experience.


themed…given a particular theme:あるテーマを与えられた


(sup.) Pokémonは/'poʊkeɪmən/と発音するのに対し、Pokemonは/'poʊkəmən/と発音される。

turn a blind eye…pretend not to notice:気づかないふりをする




Why is my first pee of the day always so yellow?









"My life is over. My girlfriend dumped me for another guy!"

"That's too bad. I feel you."

"Thanks, dude. All I need is my friends...Hey look! there's such a cutie over there.

"You never learn. I feel her."


dump/dʌmp/…abruptly end a romantic relationship with:~を振る

I feel you=I know what you feel.:あなたに同情する。

dude/dud/…a casual term of addressing a man, especially used by young people:親しみを込めて男性を呼びかける言葉

cutie/'kyut̮i/…a cute person:かわいい人




It's an unbelievable story, but some pregnant women on the train are tackled or, even worse, punched in the stomach. Who the fuck are the scumbags doing this?


even/'ivən/…used to emphasize a comparative:比較級を強調する副詞

"even worse"は"what is even worse"の省略表現。or以降の内容は"what is even worse than being tackled is being punched in the stomach"となる。

scumbag…a despicable person:卑劣な人間




What we think of karaoke, it's two or more people taking turns singing. But in recent years, the number of solo customers has increased and now accounts for one-third of all customers.




account for…form part of a whole:全体の一部をなす




In the middle of last night, a man messaged me on Instagram. I thought I ignored it, but I replied anyway. Soon after that, he blocked me! I don't know why.




I don't know how to reconcile my ideal with reality.


reconcile/'rɛkənsaɪl/…cause to exist together harmoniously:~を調和させる

ideal/aɪ'diəl/…the situation that conforms to a standard of perfection:理想

reality/ri'ælət̮i/…the situation that actually exist:現実





"How long have you been seeing your boyfriend?"

"Two years and a half, but I think he's been cheating lately."


see/si/…keep company with someone in courtship or dating, usually used as be seeing:(be seeingの形で)~と付き合う
cheat/tʃit/…be sexually unfaithful to one's lover:浮気する
「最近」を意味する語としては、"lately"と"these days"があるが、現在完了時制ではthese daysは使えない。these daysは未来も含む表現だからである。




While I was walking my dog through the neighborhood this morning, I saw a shabby-looking man checking a vending machine's return slot for change.


walk…take an animal for a walk:(動物)を散歩に連れて行く

a shabby-looking man=a man who looks shabby

shabby/'ʃæbi/…wearing old and worn clothes:みすぼらしい

return slot…an opening where change is returned:釣り銭口

change/tʃeɪndʒ/…money returned when a payment exceeds the amount due:釣り銭





"Did you see Atsushi running? It's hilarious, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I thought I was gonna die laughing. What makes him run with his knees so high?"


hilarious/hɪ'lɛriəs/…very funny

laughingはwhile I'm laughingという意味を表す分詞構文。分詞構文は省略内容が多く意味が取りづらくなるが、情報量を凝縮できるため、会話でも慣用的に使われるケースがある。




Ilizarov surgery is an effective way to get taller, but is both painful and expensive. It involves bone seperation, leaving a small gap for new bone to form between the two cut ends.


involve/ɪn'vɑlv/…have as a necessary part:~を必要とする
leavingは分詞構文で、"and it(=Illizarov surgery) leaves"の意味。




My definition of happiness is completely different from what it was when I was a kid.


was=used to be





In the Bay of Bengal lies North Sentinel Island, known as one of the hardest places to reach. The indigenous people of the island have never allowed any stranger to approach by attacking them with arrows or stones.



indigenous/ɪn'dɪdʒənəs/…existing naturally in a particular place:土着の




In recent years, I've heared more often people talking about "mindset". I think it's because they're more likely to try to find their own ways to live in a rapidly changing society.


in/ɪn/…during the whole period of time:
recent/'risnt/…belonging to time just before the present:現在よりちょっと前の
mindset/'maɪndsɛt/…a fixed state of mind that determines one's responses to and interpretations of situations:マインドセット



One of my professors writes so hard, a chalk often breaks in two as he writes on the blackboard.


hard…with great force:大きな力を加えながら
chalkは不可算名詞。a chalkはa piece of chalkを略したもの。




That's not bad for the first time.


for the first time…considering the fact that this is the first time you tried:初めてやったにしては




Beethoven left lots of masterpieces, getting over the despair of losing his sense of hearing, while "Japanese Beethoven" Samuragochi Mamoru left a huge blot, getting an unfair advantage by falsely stating that he was deaf.


get over…stop feeling unhappy about something difficult or unpleasant:~を乗り越える
masterpiece/'mæstərpis/…an outstanding work of art:傑作
blot/blɑt/…a mark of disgrace:汚点





"You know what? On my way home yesterday I was attacked by thugs and got hit on the head with a metal bat."

"Really!? It doesn't even look like you got hurt at all"


you know what?…an expression used to get a listener's attention:あのね

thug/θʌɡ/…a brutal criminal:悪党




Delicious steak cuts easily with a butter knife and melts in your mouth.


cut…be able to be cut:切れる





"Have you ever thrown your back out?"

"Yes, it just happened a month ago when I bent down and tried to lift a heavy load. I missed a whole week of work because I couldn't move without extreme pain."


throw one's back out…have a sudden sharp pain in one's back:ぎっくり腰になる

load/loʊd/…something carried:荷物