




People living in cold areas tend to speak fast without opening their mouths wide open. Under cold environments, it's more comfortable and easier to keep warm because you can reduce air intake through your mouth when speaking.


"it"="a situation of speaking fast without opening the mouth wide open"

intake/'ɪnteɪk/…the amount taken in the body:摂取量

when speaking=when you are speaking





"If you win the lottery, are you quitting your job?"

"It depends on how much I win. If I hit the jackpot, of course I am.


quit/kwɪt/…stop having:~を辞める

"it"="whether I'm quitting my job or not"

depend on…be decided by:~による

hit the jackpot…win the top gambling prize formed by the accumulation of unwon bets:ジャックポットを手に入れる




During the space race, America spent 10 years and billions of dollars developing a pen that could write in space, while Russia used a pencil.


space race…a mid-to-late 20th century competition between the Soviet Union and the United States in the field of space exploration:宇宙開発競争





"Wanna arm wrestle?"

"Gimme a break. I can't even beat you with both arms."


"Wanna arm wrestle?"="Do you want to arm wrestle?"

do you want to…used to ask if someone will do something:~するのはどう?

give a break…used to ask someone to stop doing something annoying:勘弁してくれ




If you spend some time living in a Third World country, you'll really appreciate being healthy and alive. Happiness is all around you.


Third World…the underdeveloped and developing nations of the world collectively:発展途上諸国

appreciate/ə'priʃiˌeɪt/…recognize with gratitude:~のありがたみを感じる

all around…on every side of:~のそばにたくさんある