






"You don't look so good. Want me to make some tea?"

"Yes, please. I feel sluggish."

"Well then, I'll fix you ginger lemon tea. It's good for preventing a cold."


"Want me to do ~"は"Do you want me to do ~?"を省略したもの。"Shall I ~?"より一般的な表現。

sluggish/s'lʌɡɪʃ/…lacking energy

fix/fɪks/…prepare food or drink




If you explain what you've learned to someone else, you can check your understanding and make it easier to remember.


understanding/ʌndərs'tændɪŋ/…the knowledge acquired by understanding




Tomatoes were feared in Europe to be poisonous until the mid 1800s. People who ate tomatoes placed on pewter plates, high in lead, died of lead poisoning because the acid in tomatoes caused the lead to leach from the plates into the tomatoes.


1800s…the period from 1800 to 1899

19th century…the period from 1801 to 1900

pewter/'pyut̮ər/…a metal made by tin with lead

leech/litʃ/…be passed out by percolation:浸出させる



"Tallest Tower Challenge"は、チームビルディングの活動としてよく知られています。 4~5人からなる各グループは、紙とマスキングテープを与えられ、後で頂上に卵を置いても倒れない1番高いタワーの建設を目指します。

The Tallest Tower Challenge is a well-known teambuilding activity. Each group of 4-5 people is given paper and masking tape and aims to build the tallest tower that can support an egg later put on top.


teambuilding…the process of improving the team performance through collaborative tasks





"Let's see how many clothespins we can pinch on our faces."

"Stupid! I really don't wanna try unless you give me a dollar for each."



really/'rili/…used to emphasize what you are saying

I really don't like tomatoes.:トマトなんて嫌い!

I don't really like tomatoes.:トマトはそんなに好きなわけじゃない。