




Many Japanese, especially women, think blood type is strongly related to character. "What's your blood type?" is a very common question in Japan. Personally, I hesitate to answer this question because my blood type is B, which is often associated with being selfish and sloppy.


hesitate/'hɛzəteɪt/…hold back in unwillingness

associate/ə'soʊʃiˌeɪt/…connect in the mind

selfish/'sɛlfɪʃ/…caring excessively for yourself rather than for others

sloppy/s'lɑpi/…showing a lack of care






"Have you seen my phone? It should be somewhere in the house."

"Want me to try calling it?"

"Please. Thanks."




The important thing is to try doing lots of things and find out your strength as different people are good at different things.


find out…obtain the knowledge of

strength/strɛŋkθ/…a desirable quality




Perfectionists are likely to be stressed and depressed because they can never accept the gap between ideal and reality nor are they satisfied with what they've accomplished. I also used to be a perfectionist, but not anymore. Here is my advice for them: Don't try to be perfect. Just do your best.


perfectionist/pər'fɛkʃənɪst/…a person who believes in perfectionism

perfectionism/pər'fɛkʃənɪzm/…a personal standard that demands perfection and rejects anything less


colon(:)…a punctuation mark used to direct attention to a quotation that follows

do one's best…do as well as one can




Inaba garages are featured as being able to withstand the weight of 100 people, but is that really so special? Besides, how much do they think 100 people weigh?―100 children or 100 sumo wrestlers? How ambiguous!


feature/'fitʃər/…have as a feature

feature…a distinct quality

withstand/wɪθs'tænd/…be strong enough not be damaged by

besides/bɪ'saɪdz/…in addition

ambiguous/æm'bɪɡyuəs/…having more than one meaning

vague/veɪɡ/…not clear in meaning




I wish I could sing as well as he does, but I can't hit the high notes without my voice cracking.


"I wish I could ~"は現時点で実現していない願望を表す。

hit the high notes…produce a high-pitched voice

crack/kræk/…(of the voice) become harsh when changing to high register

harsh/hɑrʃ/…unpleasant to the ear

register/'rɛdʒəstər/…the range of a person's voice:声域





"I'm going up to the roof to get some fresh air. Wanna join me?"

"Sure. That would be a good change of pace."


roof/ruf/…the exterior surface that forms the top of a building

join/dʒɔɪn/…go somewhere with

change of pace…a temporary shift in a normal routine




When I was a kid, my parents often told me "Stop putting a plastic bag over the head! You'll suffocate." After I became a mother, I say the same thing to my kids again and again. History repeats itself, doesn't it?


suffocate/'sʌfəkeɪt/…die from lack of air

history repeats itself…something that has happened in the past recurs in the present




Are there any power outlets nearby? I really need to charge my laptop.


power outlet…a wall-mounted device from which current can be taken to supply electrical devices

laptop/'læptɑp/…a portable computer with a display screen hinged to a keyboard, small enough to use on one's lap





"I'm very drunk and I can't stop my hiccups. Help!"

"You might want to try drinking water or holding your breath."


try doing…do something to see if it works

try to do…make an effort to do something




I don't wanna post my selfies on Instagram because I'm not photogenic. Why do I look better in the mirror than I do in photos?


selfie/'sɛlfi/…a photograph that one takes of oneself

photogenic/foʊtə'dʒɛnɪk/…attractive as a subject in photographs

videogenic/vɪdiə'dʒɛnɪk/…attractive as a subject on video





I know you mean well but what you're doing will end up spoiling the kids.


end up doing…finally doing

spoil/spɔɪl/…impair the character of a child by indulgence

indulgence/ɪn'dʌldʒəns/…willingness to satisfy one's every desire




Some species of jellyfish can revert to younger stages of development over and over again. This means they are immortal unless eaten. As research advances, we may find the key to making the elixir of life.


revert…return to a former state

over and over again…many times

unless eaten=unless they are eaten

the elixir of life…a potion which gives the drinker immortality and eternal youth




This is totally traumatic. I accidentally walked into a girl's room and I saw a girl wearing a bra. She was screaming so I said sorry and run away.


traumatic/trə'mæt̮ɪk/…causing trauma

trauma/t'rɔmə/…a psychological pain caused by an experience




Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, has been rapidly changing
over the past decades and is now one of the most modern cities in the world. However, the city is at risk of being submerged in the near future and there's a growing need for solutions.


decade/'dɛkeɪd/…a period of 10 years

submerge/səb'mərdʒ/…go under the surface of water

solution/sə'luʃn/…a way of solving a problem




It's quite natural that you wanna find out more about someone you like, but if you go too far, you'll end up stalking.


quite/kwaɪt/…to the greatest extent
go too far…exceed the acceptable limits





"Yuck! What's this chocolate? It tastes so bitter!"

"This is chocolate that contains 90% cacao. It's a rich source of antioxidants and reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer."


yuck/yʌk/…an expression of rejection or disgust

antioxidant…a substance that reduces damage caused by oxydation:抗酸化物質

oxydation…a process of combining with oxygen:酸化




It was socially unacceptable in Japan for women to confess their feelings to men up until Valentine's Day gained popularity in the 1970s.


confess one's feelings…show one's love toward someone by saying

"up until"は"until"より強意的で口語でよく用いられる。

the 1970s=the period from 1970 to 1979




What's so unique about Valentine's Day in Japan is that it's customary for girls to give chocolates to boys they have a crush on as a way of confessing their feelings, not vice versa. On the day, every Japanese male student tries their best to act normal, but they're secretly preoccupied with the prospect of receiving chocolates given directly to them or those they might find in their desks, lockers, or shoe-lockers.


have a crush on…to have a romantic feeling toward someone, especially not expressed to them
vice versa…with the order being changed
"not vice versa"は"it's not customary for boys to give chocolate to girls they have a crush on as a way of confessing their feelings"を意味する。
try one's best…do everything one can do
preoccupied/pri'ɑkyəpaɪ/…cause to think about very often or constantly
prospect/p'rɑspɛkt/…the possibility that something will hapeen





"Every time I eat chocolate, my nose gets itchy."

"That could be a sign of nose bleeding. Be careful not to eat too much of it."


"that"は"your nose getting itchy"を指示する。





The best thing about smartphones is that they give us many more options of things we can do with just one hand, and therefore we no longer idle in our spare time.


可算名詞を修飾するmoreを強調する場合はmany more+可算名詞(複数形)にする。

不可算名詞を修飾するmoreを強調する場合はmuch more+不可算名詞

idle/'aɪdl/…spend time doing nothing useful




When two young guys walking down the street holding hands passed me, I looked back at them and thought, love transcends gender.


hold hands…put one's hand around another's, typically as a sign of affection

transcend/træn'sɛnd/…go beyond the limits of




Viral marketing encourages both social media sharing and word of mouth. One of the most successful examples is the Mentos Geyser. Many YouTubers picked up this theme as a way to gain more views and subscribers, leading to a powerful promotion.


viral marketing…an unpaid form of marketing intended to generate interest and the potential sale of products through messages spread uncontrollably fast, like a virus

encourage/ɪn'kərɪdʒ/…make happen sooner

word of mouth…the passing of information from person to person by means of oral communication

"leading"は分詞構文。"and many Youtubers led"に置き換えられる。




Nagoya University has produced more Nobel Prize laureates in the 21th century than the University of Tokyo, the highest ranked in Japan. This is largely because students in the university are provided with a free and creative atmosphere.


なぜ「東京大学」を"Tokyo University"でなく、"the University of Tokyo"にするのだろうか。おそらく、東京にある大学といえば「東京大学」でしょ?的な大学側の(やや傲慢とも受け取れる)プライドからくるものだろう(名付け親に聞かない限り、憶測の域からは出られない)。





"Have you ever seen a hoarder's house before?"

"Nope, I've only seen them on TV. It's a big problem for their neighbors and themselves."



hoarder/'hɔrdər/…a person who suffers a hoarding disorder

hoarding disorder…a mental health disorder that makes it difficult for people to throw things away, leading to clutter that disrupts their ability to use their homes