




I don't wanna post my selfies on Instagram because I'm not photogenic. Why do I look better in the mirror than I do in photos?


selfie/'sɛlfi/…a photograph that one takes of oneself

photogenic/foʊtə'dʒɛnɪk/…attractive as a subject in photographs

videogenic/vɪdiə'dʒɛnɪk/…attractive as a subject on video





I know you mean well but what you're doing will end up spoiling the kids.


end up doing…finally doing

spoil/spɔɪl/…impair the character of a child by indulgence

indulgence/ɪn'dʌldʒəns/…willingness to satisfy one's every desire




Some species of jellyfish can revert to younger stages of development over and over again. This means they are immortal unless eaten. As research advances, we may find the key to making the elixir of life.


revert…return to a former state

over and over again…many times

unless eaten=unless they are eaten

the elixir of life…a potion which gives the drinker immortality and eternal youth




This is totally traumatic. I accidentally walked into a girl's room and I saw a girl wearing a bra. She was screaming so I said sorry and run away.


traumatic/trə'mæt̮ɪk/…causing trauma

trauma/t'rɔmə/…a psychological pain caused by an experience




Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, has been rapidly changing
over the past decades and is now one of the most modern cities in the world. However, the city is at risk of being submerged in the near future and there's a growing need for solutions.


decade/'dɛkeɪd/…a period of 10 years

submerge/səb'mərdʒ/…go under the surface of water

solution/sə'luʃn/…a way of solving a problem