




I wish I could sing as well as he does, but I can't hit the high notes without my voice cracking.


"I wish I could ~"は現時点で実現していない願望を表す。

hit the high notes…produce a high-pitched voice

crack/kræk/…(of the voice) become harsh when changing to high register

harsh/hɑrʃ/…unpleasant to the ear

register/'rɛdʒəstər/…the range of a person's voice:声域





"I'm going up to the roof to get some fresh air. Wanna join me?"

"Sure. That would be a good change of pace."


roof/ruf/…the exterior surface that forms the top of a building

join/dʒɔɪn/…go somewhere with

change of pace…a temporary shift in a normal routine




When I was a kid, my parents often told me "Stop putting a plastic bag over the head! You'll suffocate." After I became a mother, I say the same thing to my kids again and again. History repeats itself, doesn't it?


suffocate/'sʌfəkeɪt/…die from lack of air

history repeats itself…something that has happened in the past recurs in the present




Are there any power outlets nearby? I really need to charge my laptop.


power outlet…a wall-mounted device from which current can be taken to supply electrical devices

laptop/'læptɑp/…a portable computer with a display screen hinged to a keyboard, small enough to use on one's lap





"I'm very drunk and I can't stop my hiccups. Help!"

"You might want to try drinking water or holding your breath."


try doing…do something to see if it works

try to do…make an effort to do something