




Many Japanese, especially women, think blood type is strongly related to character. "What's your blood type?" is a very common question in Japan. Personally, I hesitate to answer this question because my blood type is B, which is often associated with being selfish and sloppy.


hesitate/'hɛzəteɪt/…hold back in unwillingness

associate/ə'soʊʃiˌeɪt/…connect in the mind

selfish/'sɛlfɪʃ/…caring excessively for yourself rather than for others

sloppy/s'lɑpi/…showing a lack of care






"Have you seen my phone? It should be somewhere in the house."

"Want me to try calling it?"

"Please. Thanks."




The important thing is to try doing lots of things and find out your strength as different people are good at different things.


find out…obtain the knowledge of

strength/strɛŋkθ/…a desirable quality




Perfectionists are likely to be stressed and depressed because they can never accept the gap between ideal and reality nor are they satisfied with what they've accomplished. I also used to be a perfectionist, but not anymore. Here is my advice for them: Don't try to be perfect. Just do your best.


perfectionist/pər'fɛkʃənɪst/…a person who believes in perfectionism

perfectionism/pər'fɛkʃənɪzm/…a personal standard that demands perfection and rejects anything less


colon(:)…a punctuation mark used to direct attention to a quotation that follows

do one's best…do as well as one can




Inaba garages are featured as being able to withstand the weight of 100 people, but is that really so special? Besides, how much do they think 100 people weigh?―100 children or 100 sumo wrestlers? How ambiguous!


feature/'fitʃər/…have as a feature

feature…a distinct quality

withstand/wɪθs'tænd/…be strong enough not be damaged by

besides/bɪ'saɪdz/…in addition

ambiguous/æm'bɪɡyuəs/…having more than one meaning

vague/veɪɡ/…not clear in meaning