




Themed cafés are becoming popular in Japan. The concepts are so diverse, they range from cartoon characters and pop stars to ninjas. Turn a blind eye to the high prices. You pay not only for food and drink, but for experience.


themed…given a particular theme:あるテーマを与えられた


(sup.) Pokémonは/'poʊkeɪmən/と発音するのに対し、Pokemonは/'poʊkəmən/と発音される。

turn a blind eye…pretend not to notice:気づかないふりをする




Why is my first pee of the day always so yellow?









"My life is over. My girlfriend dumped me for another guy!"

"That's too bad. I feel you."

"Thanks, dude. All I need is my friends...Hey look! there's such a cutie over there.

"You never learn. I feel her."


dump/dʌmp/…abruptly end a romantic relationship with:~を振る

I feel you=I know what you feel.:あなたに同情する。

dude/dud/…a casual term of addressing a man, especially used by young people:親しみを込めて男性を呼びかける言葉

cutie/'kyut̮i/…a cute person:かわいい人




It's an unbelievable story, but some pregnant women on the train are tackled or, even worse, punched in the stomach. Who the fuck are the scumbags doing this?


even/'ivən/…used to emphasize a comparative:比較級を強調する副詞

"even worse"は"what is even worse"の省略表現。or以降の内容は"what is even worse than being tackled is being punched in the stomach"となる。

scumbag…a despicable person:卑劣な人間




What we think of karaoke, it's two or more people taking turns singing. But in recent years, the number of solo customers has increased and now accounts for one-third of all customers.




account for…form part of a whole:全体の一部をなす