




Ilizarov surgery is an effective way to get taller, but is both painful and expensive. It involves bone seperation, leaving a small gap for new bone to form between the two cut ends.


involve/ɪn'vɑlv/…have as a necessary part:~を必要とする
leavingは分詞構文で、"and it(=Illizarov surgery) leaves"の意味。




My definition of happiness is completely different from what it was when I was a kid.


was=used to be





In the Bay of Bengal lies North Sentinel Island, known as one of the hardest places to reach. The indigenous people of the island have never allowed any stranger to approach by attacking them with arrows or stones.



indigenous/ɪn'dɪdʒənəs/…existing naturally in a particular place:土着の




In recent years, I've heared more often people talking about "mindset". I think it's because they're more likely to try to find their own ways to live in a rapidly changing society.


in/ɪn/…during the whole period of time:
recent/'risnt/…belonging to time just before the present:現在よりちょっと前の
mindset/'maɪndsɛt/…a fixed state of mind that determines one's responses to and interpretations of situations:マインドセット



One of my professors writes so hard, a chalk often breaks in two as he writes on the blackboard.


hard…with great force:大きな力を加えながら
chalkは不可算名詞。a chalkはa piece of chalkを略したもの。