



Club Sodaは、頑固な油汚れ用のの洗剤にもなる。

Club Soda can also be a detergent for stubborn oil stains.


Club Sodaは炭酸水の商品名。




The Ogasawara Islands are technically part of Tokyo, but are actually located approximately 1,000 kilometers away from the Tokyo metropolitan area. If you wanna get there, a day-long ferry ride is required.




Let's see how things go for a while.



・while…a period of time:ある期間




The former Zozotown president Maezawa Yusaku is giving away 1 billion yen of "otoshidama" New Year's gift money to people in his Twitter campaign.


the former Zozotown presidentとMaezawa Yusaku、"otoshidama"とNew Year's gift moneyはそれぞれ同格関係にある。

・give away…offer as a gift:~を贈る





"Damn it! The screw hole is stripped."

"You might as well place a rubber band between the screw and screwdriver then remove it."


・strip…remove surface matter from:~の表面がすり減る

・might as well…used to say that something should be done because because there is no good reason not to do it:~するといい