




Yesterday I went to a restaurant with very good online reviews. However, both food and service were far below my expectations. It was so overrated, there must be fake reviews.


far below one's expectation…much lower than one has expected:~の期待よりはるかに低い

overrate/oʊvər'reɪt/…rate too highly:~を過大評価する

It was so overrated, there must be fake reviews.のthereの前にはthatが省略されており、that節はoverratedの程度を表す。




There was an urban myth that McDonald's used earthworms in their patties, but what's in it for them? Edible earthworms taste awful and cost several times more than beef.


urban myth[legend]…a story widely circulated as true, but usually distorted, exaggerated, or fabricated, that includes elements of humor or horror:都市伝説

What's in it for someone?…used to ask about an idea where the benefits for someone are not obvious:それが~にとって何の得なのか?





"Wow, look at that bridge! The road looks like a wall rising up in front of us. What do you call those kind of bridges?"

"It's a drawbridge. It moves to allow passage for boats and ships."


"rising"は"as the road is rising"を意味する分詞構文。

drawbridge/d'rɔbrɪdʒ/…a bridge that can be drawn aside to permit passage beneath it




Most urinals in Japanese restrooms say that thay automatically flush to prevent odor and clogging and to avoid users thinking that it's broken.


urinal/'yʊrənl/…a fixture used by men for urinating:男性用小便器


flush/flʌʃ/…be cleaned by a rush of water:水が勢いよく流れて洗浄される
odor/'oʊdər/…an unpleasant smell:不快なにおい




When I'm really into video games, I don't even want to spare the time to go to the bathroom, let alone sleep.


into/'ɪntə/…very interested in:~にはまっている

spare/spɛr/…allow a portion to remain unused:~を使わずにとっておく

let alone…even less likely:なおさら~でない