





"Do you take any supplements?"

"Yes, in addition to vitamins and minerals, I take mulberry leaf extracts to prevent diabetes."




In Japan, Hollywood movies are often promoted by saying, "All of America cried!". It's becoming more of a mockery, than a compliment, meaning that "All Americans are crybabies.".


promote…attempt to sell or popularize by advertising or publicity:~の販促活動を行う

(syn.) advertize…make public announcement of to increase sales:~の広告を出す

カンマ(,)ではさんだ部分は挿入句なので、なくても文意の理解には影響を及ぼさない。ここではthan a complimentがそれにあたる。

crybaby…a person who cries easily or often





"Why do cars overtake us on the train? Is there a mechanical failure or something?"

"It's natural to think that way, but there's nothing wrong with it. Let's enjoy slow travel on the Joso Line."





"I'm getting so nervous as the exams are coming up next week."

"Yeah, It's a pain in the neck."


come up…come nearer in time

pain in the neck[ass]…a source of annoyance or nuisance:悩みの種




If you visit a Japanese restaurant, never stick your chopsticks upright in your rice. It's a funeral rite in Japanese culture.


upright…in a vertical position
rite…a ceremonial act:儀礼的行為
→"rite" and "ritual" are often interchangeable.
(syn.) ritual…a series of ceremonial acts:一連の儀礼的行為