




The best way to improve your English is (to) have a boyfriend or girlfriend who speaks English as a native tongue.


native tongueはmother tongueよりも一般的。

native tongue…the language first learned by a person:母国語




If you need a vaccine for the new coronavirus, but don't wanna get a flu shot, please note: the flu kills 300,000―600,000 people worldwide every year.


flu shot…an Influenza vaccine given by injection:インフルエンザの予防注射

colon(:)…a punctuation mark used to direct attention to an explanation that follows:コロン

note:become aware of:~に気づく


em dash(―)…a punctuation mark used to indicate a range of two numbers:ダッシュ(数の範囲を示す句読点)




Your two options are―shit that tastes like curry or curry that tastes like shit. As for me, I'll choose the latter but eat while holding my breath.


em dash(―)…a punctuation mark used to direct attention to a list of things that follows:エムダッシュ


as for someone…in someone's opinion:~の意見では

latter…the second of two persons or things mentioned:後者

hold one's breath…intentionally stop breathing for a short time:少しの間息を止める




Just between us, rock paper scissors isn't just a game of luck. It's more of a psychological one. There are a lot of tactics to increase your win rate dramatically.


(just) between us[you and me]…used to say what is about to be said should not be told to anyone else:ここだけの話だけど

game of luck[chance]…a game whose outcome is strongly influenced by luck rather than skill:運ゲー

(ant.) game of skill

psychological…intended to affect the mind or emotions:思考や感情に影響を与えるように意図された

dramatically…in a dramatic way

→dramatic…highly effective:とても効果的な




I finished all my piled up work from last week and I feel tired but great.


pile up…place in a pile:〜を積み重ねる