




While I was walking to the station, a car drove fast through a puddle and drenched me from head to toe.


drench…make completely wet:~をずぶ濡れにする




A study shows that men tend not to date smart women because their competence might become a threat to their masculinity.


threat…one regarded as a possible danger:危険になりうるもの

competence…the ability to do a task well or efficiently:あるタスクを要領よく行う能力





"I hear Toyota plans to build a smart city at the base of Mt Fuji."

"Really? I'm looking forward to seeing it, but do they have an evacuation plan? Who knows when Mt Fuji will erupt?"


smart city…a city that incorporates information and communication technologies(ICT) to improve the quality of life(QOL):スマートシティ

evacuation…the act of evacuating:避難

evacuate…withdraw people from a dangerous area in an organized way:~を避難させる

Who knows ~?は修辞疑問文。Nobody knows ~の強意表現。




Many people think vaping is the safer alternative to cigarette smoking. However, vaping is just as bad and can cause just as many health problems.


vape…smoke an electric cigarette:電子タバコを吸う

alternative…one of two or more possible choices of action:代わりになる選択肢

as badの後ろにはas cigarette smoking isが、as many health problemsにはas cigarette smoking canがそれぞれ省略されている。





"What happened to your forehead?"

"Last night there was a blackout. I accidentally stepped on my skateboard and fell while feeling for the breaker."


feel for…search blindly for:~を手探りで探す