



「マクドナルドジャパンはAdult Cream Pieというデザートを売り出したんだよ。」



"Japan's McDonald's has released a dessert called the Adult Cream Pie."

"What the hell? Why didn't they consult native English speakers for this?"

"Indeed, nothing's more misleading than a literal translation"


cream pie…HI・MI・TSU♡

consult…seek advice from:~からの助言を求める

indeed…without any question, often used as an interjection:(間投詞として)本当に

literal translation…a translation done by translating each word separately, without conveying the sense of the original whole:逐語訳






"When can we hang out again?"

"I'm OK next Tuesday and Friday."

"Well then, the sooner the better. Let's meet Tuesday."


hang out (with)…spend good time with someone:~と楽しく過ごす
(syn.) play…do activities for fun, often used for children:遊ぶ
the sooner the betterは、the+比較級+SV,the+比較級+S'V'からSVとS'V'を省いたもの。




Though it often happens in cartoons, I've never actually slipped on a banana peel or seen anyone do that before.


副詞節に含まれる代名詞が主節の内容を指示することがある。ここではitがa situation in which someone slips on a banana peelを指示する。




Let's make a rough plan of what we should do before ironing out the details.


rough…not perfected or completed:大まかな

iron out…make free from obscurity:~をはっきりとさせる




Hoodies and other hooded articles of clothing aren't allowed in many American schools mainly because wearing a hood could be a safety hazard. A hood obscures a student's face and identity, delaying the detection of an intruder.


obscure…make difficult to discern:~の違いを見分けにくくする

discern…perceive the difference between:~の違いを見分ける

delayingは分詞構文として機能し、and it(=a hood) delaysの意味を持つ。

detect…figure out by observation:(観察によって)~を見つける