




I still don't understand how tweets go viral from accounts with only a few followers.


go viral…spread rapidly through a population by means of social media:バズる




The most controversial shoe in sports, the Nike Vaporfly Next%, may be banned from competitions. The shoes make runners as much as 5% faster than conventional running shoes, giving them an unfair advantage.


*controversial…producing controversy:論争の的になっている

as much asは5%を強調する。

*givingは分詞構文で、and the shoes giveを意味する。





"I hate ironing. What a waste of time! Why can't all clothes be wrinkle-free?"

"I couldn't agree more. Whenever I find clothes I like, I try to make sure it's wrinkle-free."


What a waste of time!は主語と述語が省略された感嘆文。

(ex.) What a shame!:残念ね! / What a coincidence:なんて偶然なの!
wrinkle-free…free from wrinkles:しわのない
couldn't agree more…completely agree:完全に同意する




You should keep in mind that getting a good TOEIC score is one thing, having a good command of English is quite another.


A is one thing, B is (quite) another:A is different from B, especially when B is more difficult or important than A:AとBは別物である

command…the ability to use:運用能力




If you want to get a good figure, you might want to try the Tabata workout. It requires no equipment and just takes 4 minutes to do.


might want toはポジティブなニュアンスがあるのに対して、might as wellはネガティブなニュアンスがある。

→might want to…used to say there is a chance to do something good:~するといい

→might as well…used to say something should be done because it cannot be avoided:他に手立てがないので~すべきである