





"Aren't you cold wearing short sleeves?"

"Not at all. Or rather, why are you dressed so warmly?"



or rather…more correctly:っていうか

Aren't you cold wearing short sleeves?よりもWhy are you dressed so warmly?のほうがもっともな疑問だという話し手の意志を表している。




Murakami Haruki is a writer who has been expected to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature since he received Franz Kafka Prize, which earned some prestige by predicting future Nobel laureates.


,which以下はFranz Kafka Prizeの補足説明をしている。

laureate…a person awarded a prize for great achievements:受賞者




Shoot! The windshield is totally frozen. I have to defrost it right away, or I'm gonna be late for work.


Shoot!…an expression of annoyance or surprise:うわー!

orはor elseの省略形。

or else…used to say what will happen if something is not done:そうでなければ

gonnaはgoing toの省略形。

be going to…used to say something will happen or could happen in the very near future:もうすぐ~しそうになる




I'm getting soft after not being able to exercise for a while.


soft…not physically strong

exercise…do some exercise:運動する

(syn.) work out…exercise, esp. by lifting weights:ジムで運動する




(a) Don't depend on nobody.

(b) Don't depend on anybody.



Technically, "don't depend on nobody" means you should depend on people because "don't" and "nobody" cancel each other out, but people often misuse this phrase. They use it as a slang to mean "don't depend on people", but grammatically "Don't depend on anybody" is correct.:厳密に言うと、"don't depend on nobody"は、"don't"と"nobody"が互いに打ち消し合うため、「人に頼る必要がある」ことを意味するが、実際は「誰にも頼るな。」という意味のスラングとしてしばしば誤用される。ただ、文法的には"don't depend on anybody"が正しい。