





"After swimming a long distance, I often get cramps in my legs for some reason."

"Do you stay hydrated? You know, we're unlikely to feel thirsty while swimming."


cramp…a painful involuntary contraction of a muscle:けいれん

hydrated…supplied with water:水分が供給されている




Oh, my godness! I forgot to turn off the gas under the pan.


oh my goshやoh my goodnessはoh my godの婉曲表現(euphemism)として用いられる。




Neymar's acting is so good, I think he might go for the Oscar, rather than Ballon d'Or. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw him rolling around like a wheel on the ground for diving.


第1文はthatが省略されたso that構文。カンマの前後で因果関係がある。

can't help but doとcan't help doingはどちらも同じ意味で、よく用いられる表現。

the Oscar…an annual award by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for achievements in motion picture production and performance:オスカー賞

diving…an attempt by a football player to give the impression that a foul has been committed:シミュレーション行為






"I played the game you recommended. It was fun, but the ads are so long and frequent that it makes me mad."

"We can't help it. It's free. If you wanna play without ads, you have to pay"

"I won't do that."



it makes me madのitはthe condition that the game is not enjoyable because of the long and frequent adsを指す。

it…used to refer to a general condition or state of affairs:全体的な状況や事情を指す。




I upgraded my computer and all the data was gone! I should have backed it up beforehand.


gone…no longer existing:今は存在しない

should have done…used to express regret for not having done in the past:~すべきだった

back up…make a backup of:~のバックアップを作る

(sup.) backup…a copy of computer data:コンピュータ上のデータのコピー