




I was once involved in a car crash. It would have been fatal without my seatbelt.


*I was once involved in a car crash. I would have been killed without my seatbelt.も同じ意味だが、主語が同じ文が続くとぎこちない印象になる。

*once…in the past

*car crash…an accident in which two cars crash

*fatal…causing death

without=if it had not been for




Ichiro played in his first amateur game after his retirement, throwing a complete game shutout with 16K’s while going 3 for 4.

complete game shutoutはcomplete gameとshutoutが組み合わさったもの。

*complete game…a baseball game in which a pitcher pitches for the entire game:完投

*shutout…a game in which one side does not score:完封

going 3 for 4はhitting 3 for 4ともいう。

3 for 4は3 hits for 4 times in the batter boxの略。

*throw…play as a pitcher

*K…(strikeout) an out in baseball made by a batter charged with three strikes:三振

*go…have as a record

*for…used to indicate a number of attempts




From far away, Mt. Kailash looks like a pyramid.


From far awayを省略せずに書き換えるとWhen it is seen from far awayとなる。itはMt. Kailashを指示する。

ややフォーマルだが、From far awayをSeen from a distanceにしても問題ない。

・from far away…from a place far away:遠くから




Oddly enough, I wake up five minutes before the alarm every morning.


*oddly enough…though it seems odd but true


before the alarmはここではbefore the alarm goes offを省略している。




I didn't tell her the truth because I didn't wanna upset her.


*upset…make upset

*upset…unable to control one’s mind